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About Eightsix

After ten years of management and bookkeeping experience within the hospitality industry we saw a trend in how these professionals handled their personal taxes---or rather how they ignored them. We began preparing taxes for hospitality professionals in 2017 and quickly added tax planning to our service list. Over the years we have helped hundreds of servers, bartenders, chefs and freelancers take control of their personal finances.
We've seen small ideas quickly grow into successful corporations and we have helped our clients to build a solid base with their financial reporting and processes. We offer completely customized monthly bookkeeping services, this allows our clients to take on more or less of their own bookkeeping to better suit their budget. It has been a pleasure watching our clients grow!
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About Karleen


I understand how easy it is to get behind on tax filings but getting caught up is easier than you think!


My journey began years ago when like many hospitality professionals I was intimidated by my taxes and got a few years behind --- five years to be exact! It was at this time that the thought of being behind on my taxes became scarier than the thought of simply doing my taxes, I knew I needed to act or fall further behind. I have always been great with numbers and as a restaurant manger I would create detailed profit and loss reports, complete all reconciliations,   finalize costing and conduct inventory audits --- surely I could learn to file my own taxes! I studied the Canadian tax code line by line until I was confident I understood all the laws and processes involved. After successfully filing my own taxes and receiving a significant return I began helping others in my situation get their taxes filed. As my client list expanded I began to focus on small business  owners, freelancers, independent contractors and entrepreneurs. 

In 2017 I took Eightsix full-time and began my transition from hospitality management to finance  and I haven't looked back!

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